ツバメの巣Top > Study > English > Joke 05
Joke 05 -Good news, bad news 01-
The soldiers had been in the field for two weeks and hadn't had showers or been able to change their clothes.

Then one day the general came along and said, "Men, I have some good news and some bad news. Which would you like first?"
All the men shouted, "Tell us the good news, tell us the good news."
The general smiled and said,"Men, the good news is that today we're going to change our underwear."
All the men cheered.

Then the general said, "Now the bad news. Smith, you change with Jones.
Jackson, you change with Thomson..."

よい知らせ、悪い知らせ 01


そしてある日、司令官がやってきて言った。 「みんな、よい知らせと悪い知らせがある。最初にどっちを聞きたいか?」

それから司令官は言った。 「悪いほうだが。スミス、あなたは、ジョーンズと交替してくれ。ジャクソン、あなたは、トムソンと交替だ…」


Joke 06

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