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The Blue Diamond

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One day last winter I went to see Sherlock Holmes. I remember the date. It was December 27. Holmes was sitting in a comfortable chair, looking at an old hat.

'Are you busy, Holmes?' I said.

'Not at all, Watson,' he answered. 'I'm glad to see you. You know Captain Peterson. He brought me this hat and a chicken. Peterson will be eating the chicken today. I'll tell you the story.

'Two days ago Peterson was walking along Goodge Street. He had been to a party which finished at three o'clock in the morning. By the light of the street lamps he saw a tall man in front of him, carrying a chicken under his arm. Suddenly two men came out of the shadows, stopped the tall man and a quarrel started. One of the men hit the tall man and his hat fell to the ground. The tall man tried to hit the man with his stick but missed him and broke a shop window. Captain Peterson rushed forward to help the tall man. He saw Peterson, shouted, "Police!" and ran down the street. The other two men followed him. A hat and a chicken were left on the ground.'

'Why didn't he give them to the tall man?' I asked.

'Because the tall man had disappeared, Watson. But there was a card on the chicken's leg which said, "For Mrs Henry Baker." The name Henry Baker is also inside the hat. Peterson wanted to find the man, but there are hundreds of Henry Bakers in London.'

'So what did he do?'

'He brought the hat and the chicken to me,' said Holmes. 'He knows that these little problems interest me. I kept the chicken until tuday, but I couldn't keep it any longer. Peterson will be eating it now.'

At that moment the door opened and Captain Peterson rushed into the room. He was very excited.

'The chicken, Mr Holmes! The chicken!'' he cried.

'What has happened?' said Holmes. 'Has it come back to life and flown through the window?'

'Look at this!' cried Peterson.'My wife found it inside the chicken.' He held out his hand. It was a beautifully cut blue stone which shone brightly.

'My God!' cried Holmes. 'You have found treasure, Peterson. Do you know what it is?'

'It's a diamond,' said Peterson, 'a very valuable diamond.'

'It is more than just a diamond,' said Holmes.

'It's the famous blue diamond.'

'Not Lady Morcar's blue diamond?' I said.

'Of course it is,' said Holmes. 'I know its size and shape because I read about it in the newspapers. Lady Morcar is offering a thousand pounds to get it back.'

'A thousand ponds!' said Peterson. 'Then it must be worth twenty times that.'

'It was stolen from Lady Morcar at the Cosmopolitan Hotel,' I said.

'That's right,' said Holmes. 'It was stolen on December the twenty-second, just five days ago. The police say that a man called John Horner stole it. There was a report in the newspaper.'Holmes searched through a pile of newspapers.

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'Ah, here it is:

Lady Morcar's diamond stolen. Lady Morcar was staying at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. On the twenty-second of December the famous blue diamond disappeared from her room. The police think that a man called John Horner stole it. Horner is twenty-six and works at the hotel. James Ryder, a waiter at the hotel, noticed a broken table in Lady Morcar's room. He asked Horner to repair it. He went with Horner to the room and showed him the table. Ryder had to leave the room for a few minutes and when he returned the room was empty. A broken box was lying on the floor. The police say that the blue diamond had been in it. They immediately questioned Horner. He said that he had not seen either the box or the diamond. Horner is known by the box or the diamond. Horner is known by the police because he once stole some money from a hotel room.

'That is the story,' said Holmes. 'Only we know how it ended.'

'Yes,' said Peterson. 'It ended with the diamond inside a chicken.'

'The diamond disappeared from Lady Morcar's room,' I said. 'How did it get inside a chicken?'

'You see, Watson,' said Holmes. 'The old hat and chicken are important now. Now we have a crime. Here is the blue diamond which was found in a chicken. Mr Henry backer had the chicken so the next step is to find Mr Baker. We will do that through the newspaper. Give me a pencil and piece of paper, Watson. Now then: "Found in Goodge Street―a chicken and a black hat. Will Henry Backer come to 221B, Baker Street. He will find his hat and his chicken there." I'll put this in the newspaper.'

'Will Henry Baker see it?' I asked.

'I hope so,' said Holmes. 'Peterson, you go past the newspaper office, don't you? Will you give this to them?'

'Of course,' said Peterson. 'But what are you going to do with the diamond?'

'Ah, yes,' said Holmes. 'I shall keep the diamond and return it to lady Morcar later. Thank you, Peterson.'

Peterson went out.

'Mr Henry Backer will be coming for his chicken,' said Holmes. 'I must buy another one for him.' Holmes held the diamond against the light. 'It's a beautiful stone,' he said. 'I'll put it in a safe place. Then I'll send a note to Lady Morcar. She will be very pleased.'

'Did John Horner steal it?' I asked.

'He says that he did not steal it,' said Holmes.

'How did Henry Baker get it, then?'

'Henry Baker did not steal the blue diamond either. The diamond was in his chicken but he did not know that. He knows nothing about the diamond. I shall soon be sure about that.'


'When he comes to get his chicken.'

'And you can do nothing until then?'

'Nothing,' said Holmes.

'Very well,' I said. 'I shall go now. I have some work to do. I'll come back this evening. I would like to know how the story ends.'

'I shall be glad to see you,' said Holmes. 'Come and have dinner with me. I'm having a chicken.' He laughed. 'I must look inside it. I may find a diamond.'

   ■ 3 ■

That evening I went back to Baker Street. A tall man standing at Holmes' door. Holmes opened it. 'Mr Henry Baker, I think,' he said.

'Please come in. Ah, Watson, you have come at the right time.'

We all went up to Holmes' room.

'Please sit near the fire,' said Holmes. 'It's a cold night.' Holmes picked up the old hat. 'Is this your hat, Mr Baker?' he asked.

'Yes, it is.'

Henry Baker was a tall man with grey hair. His clothes were old and he looked poor.

'I have kept your hat for you,' said Holmes.

'Thank you,' said Henry Baker. 'I thought that I had lost it. Some men attacked me in the street.'

'But your chicken has been eaten,' said Holmes.

'Eaten!' cried Henry Baker. 'Why have I come here then?'

'I have another chicken,' said Holmes. 'You can have that. It's the same size and it's quite fresh too. Would you like it?'

'Of course,' said Henry Baker. 'Thank you very much.'

'Here is the chicken and your hat,' said Holmes. 'May I ask one question? Where did you buy the other chicken?'

'I bought it from Mr Windigate. He owns the Alpha Hotel which is near the British Museum. I am not working at the moment and I spend most of my days in the museum. I am a poor man so I paid Mr Windigate a few pence each week. Thank you for my hat, Mr Holmes. I need it. It's a cold night.' Then he left.

Holmes closed the door behind him. 'We can forget about Mr Henry Baker,' he said. 'He knows nothing about the diamond. Are you hungry, Watson?'

'I'm not very hungry.'

'Then we can eat later. We have work to do.'

We walked quickly through the streets of London. It was very cold, the sky was clear and the stars were shining brightly. A quarter of an hour later, we arrived at the Alpha Hotel. We went in and Holmes asked for Mr Windigate.

When he came, Holmes said, 'I'd like to buy some of your chickens.'

'They are not my chickens,' said Mr Windigate. 'I buy them in Covent Garden Market.'

'I see,' said Holmes. 'Who sold them to you?'

'A man called Breckenridge.'

A few minutes later we were walking towards Covent Garden market.

'We are going to see Mr Breckenridge,' said Holmes. 'He sold the chicken with the diamond in it. Where did he get the chicken? That is the next question.'

We arrived at the market and soon found Mr Breckenridge. He was getting ready to leave.

'Good evening,' said Holmes. 'Have you sold all your chickens?'

'Yes,' said Breckenridge. 'But I shall have some more tomorrow.'

'That's too late.'

'They have some over there.'

'But I was told to come to you.'

'Who told you to come to me?'

'Mr Windigate at the Alpha Hotel.'

'Ah, yes; I sold two dozen to him.'

'They were very good,' said Holmes. 'Where did you buy them?'

'Why do you want to know?' said Breckenridge. He was angry now.

'It is not important,' said Holmes. 'Why are you angry?'

'Because I'm tired of people like you,' said Breckenridge. 'Another man has been here half a dozen times. I got tired of his foolish questions. He asked where the chickens were and who bought them. I was very busy so I told him to go away.'

'I don't know the other person,' said Holmes. 'My friend and I had one of the chickens from the Alpha Hotel and it was very good. My friends says it was a town bird but I say it came from the country.'

'Then you are wrong,' said Brecknridge. 'Those chickens were London birds.'

'That can't be true,' said Holmes.

'Why should I lie?' shouted Breckenridge. He was angry again. He picked up a book. 'Look here. It's in my book. "December 22. Two dozen chickens bought from Mrs Oakshott, 117 Brixton Road. Sold to Mr Windigate at the Alpha Hotel." So, my clever friend, you are wrong.'

'I'm very sorry,' said Holmes. 'Please excuse me.'

We left Mr Breckenridge and walked along the street. Holmes was laughing. 'Well, Watson,' he said, 'that's what I wanted to know. We are near the end of this case. We will find the answer to this mystery at Mrs Oakshott's.'

   ■ 4 ■

Suddenly we heard a noise behind us. Breckenridge was quarrelling with a little man.

'I'm tired of you and your chickens,' he shouted. 'I bought them from Mrs Oakshott.'

'But one of them was mine,' said the little man.

'Go and see Mrs Oakshott, then,'

'She told me to see you.'

'Oh, go away!' shouted Breckenridge. He raised his hand and was going to hit the little man. The little man rushed down the street.

'Come on, Watson,' said Holmes. 'This may save us a visit to Mrs Oakshott. We must catch that man.' He ran after him and touched his arm. The little man stopped and turned round. He was afraid.

'Who are you?' asked the little man. 'What do you want?'

'Excuse me,' said Holmes. 'You were talking to Mr Breckenridge and I heard what you said. I can help you.'

'How can you help me?'

'My name is Sherlock Holmes. You are trying to find some chickens that Mrs Oakshott sold to Mr Breckenridge. He sold them to Mr Windigate of the Alpha Hotel, and them Mr Windigate sold one of them to Mr Henry Baker.'

'Then I would like to talk to you,' said the little man. He was very excited.

A cab was passing and Holmes stopped it.

'Come with me to my rooms,' said Holmes. 'We can talk there. What is your name?'

The little man did not answer immediately. Then he said, 'My name is John Robinson.'

'No, no, your real name.'

The man's face went red. 'My real name is James Ryder.'

'And you work at the Cosmopolitan Hotel,' said Holmes. 'Please get into the cab.'

We all climbed into the cab. We said nothing during the drive. Half an hour later we were in Baker Street.

We went into Holmes' room. 'Here we are,' he said. 'Ah, the room is warm. You look cold, Mr Ryder. Please sit near the fire. Now, you want to know about the chickens. Are you looking for a black and white chicken?'

'That's right,' cried Ryder. 'Where is it?'

'It came here.'


'Yes. And there was an egg in it, a beautiful blue egg. I have it here.' Holmes held up the blue diamond. It shone like astar. Ryder stood up and stared at the diamond.

'You are finished, Ryder,' said Holmes. 'You stole this diamond.'

Ryder almost fell to the floor.

'Catch him, Watson,' cried Holmes. 'Sit him in that chair.'

I put Ryder in a chair. His face was white. He was afraid.

'I know most of the facts,' said Holmes. 'But I would like to know the complete story. Who told you about the blue diamond?'

'Catherine Cusack told me about it,' he said. 'She works for Lady Morcar.'

'I see,' said Holmes. 'She told you where the diamond was. You were poor but you wanted to be rich. So you stole the blue diamond. You knew that John Horner had once stolen some money from a hotel room and you decided to blame him. You broke the table in Lady Morcar's room. Repairing things was Horner's job in the hotel. You took him to Lady Morcar's room. Repairing things was Horner's job in the hotel. You took him to Lady Morcar's room. He repaired the table and then he left. You knew that the diamond was in the box. You opened it and took the diamond. Then you went to the police and blamed Horner. You then...'

Ryder suddenly fell on his knees. 'Please,' he cried, 'please think of my mother and father. This will break their hearts. I have never taken anything before. Don't tell the police!'

'Get back into your chair!' said Holmes. 'It is too late now. You stole the blue diamond and blamed John Horner. That was a terrible thing to do. I must save John Horner, so I have to tell the police about you.'

'I'll go away. I'll leave the country,' said Ryder. 'Tell the police then.'

'Perhaps,' said Horner. 'If you tell me the full story.'

   ■ 5 ■

'I'll tell you everything,' he said. 'I stole the diamond and told the police about John Horner. They took him to the police station. Then they started to search all the rooms in the hotel so I left and went to my sister's house in Brixton Road. She is married to a man called Oakshott. They keep chicken. I was afraid and my sister noticed it. I said that I was tired and thirsty. When she went into the kitchen to make some tea, I went behind the house. They keep the chickens there. I had to hide the diamond. But where? Then I noticed the chickens and I had an idea.

'My sister had promised to give me one of the chickens. One of them was black and white. I caught it, opened its mouth and pushed in the diamond. Now the diamond was inside the chicken. Of course it made a great noise and my sister came out of the house. When I turned to speak to her, the chicken escaped and ran to the others. My sister asked me what I was doing.

'"You promised me a chicken," I said. "I'm choosing one."

'"Which one do you want?" she asked.

'"That one," I said. I pointed to the black and white one.

'"All right," said my sister. "I'll kill it. You can take it now."

'I know a man in Kilburn who was going to sell the diamond for me. I arrived at his house with the chicken. We opened it but there was no sign of the diamond. I had made a terrible mistake. I rushed back to my sister's house but all the chickens had disappeared.

'"Where are the chickens?" I cried.

'"I have sent them to the market," said my sister.

'"Where in the market?"

'"To Mr Breckenridge in Covent Garden market."

'"Was there another black and white chicken?" I asked.

'"Yes, there were two black and white ones. You took one of them."

'Well, I went immediately to Covent Garden market and saw Mr Breckenridge. He had sold all the chickens immediately. I asked who had bought them but he would not tell me. I went back three or four times and his answer was always the same.' Ryder started to cry. 'God help me,' he said. 'I am finished. This will kill my mother and father.'

Sherlock Holmes went to the door and opened it. 'Get out!' he said.

'What?' said Ryder. 'Oh, thank you.'

'Don't say any more. Get out!'

Ryder rushed out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house.

'After all, Watson,' said Holmes, 'I am not a policeman. Ryder will leave the country. Without him the police will not have a case against Horner so the police will have to free him. I ought to tell the police. But Ryder is terribly afraid and has learnt his lesson. I have enjoyed this case. Now, Watson, let us enjoy our dinner. We are having chicken, of course!'

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