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The Copper Beeches

   ■ 1 ■

One morning last spring I visited Sherlock Holmes.

We were having some coffee when a visitor arrived. She was a pretty young woman. Her name was Violet Hunter.

'Please forgive me, Mr Holmes,' she said. 'I know you are a busy man. But a strange thing has happened and I would like your advice.'

'Please sit down. Miss Hunter,' said Holmes. 'I shall be happy to help you. What can I do for you?' I could see that Holmes liked his visitor.

'I have been a teacher for five years,' she said. 'I worked for Colonel Munro, teaching his children. But he went abroad two months ago and took the children with him. So I had no job. I looked for a new one but I could not find one. I used to go to an office in London which finds jobs for teachers. The business belongs to a Woman Called Miss Stoper. I used to go there once a week but Miss Stoper never had anything until last week. When I went, a fat man was with her. He looked at me and turned to Miss Stoper.

'"This young woman is just right," he said. "Are you looking for a job?"

'"Yes," I said.

'"And how much do you want?"

'"In my last job I had four pounds a mouth," I said.

'"That isn't much," he cried. "If you come and teach my son, I'll pay you a hundred pounds a year."

'Well, Mr Holmes, I had no money and he was offering me a hundred pounds a year. It was a very good offer and he saw that I was surprised. He took some money from his pocket.

'"Here are fifty pounds," he said. "You may need some clothes. You can buy them with this."

'He semed a very kind person, Mr Holmes. I had no money. I could not even buy food. But why was he giving me so much money. I decided to ask a few questions.

'"Where do you live, sir?" I asked.

'"In a house called the Copper Beeches. It is in the country, eight kilometres from Winchester."

'"And what shall I have to do?"

'"I have a son who is six years old. You will take care of him and teach him. My wife will sometimes ask you to do things. It won't be anything difficult. She will give you a dress and sometimes she will ask you to wear it. Will you do that?"

'"Of course," I said.

'"Sometimes she will ask you to sit near the window. Will you do that?"


'"And you must cut your hair short."

'As you can see,Mr Holmes,' said Violet Hunter, 'I have very long hair. I did not want to cut it short.

'"I am afraid not," I said. "I don't like short hair."

'"But my wife does not like long hair," he said. "You must cut it."

'"No, Sir, I shall not cut it," I answered.

'"Then I can't give you the job," he said. "I'm sorry." He turned to Miss Stoper." We had better see some more of your young ladies."

'Miss Stoper was angry. "Do you want to stay on my books?" she asked.

'"Yes," I said.

'"I don't know why," she said. "You have refused a very good offer. Goodbye, Miss Hunter."

'Well, Mr Holmes, I returned to my rooms. I had no food and no money and I had refused a very good offer. Had I done the wrong thing? These people were rather strange but they were going to pay me well. And what use was my hair? It would not buy food. Perhaps I had made a mistake. The next day I received this letter from the gentleman. I'll read it to you.

   ■ 2 ■

       The Copper Beeches, near Winchester
Dear Miss Hunter, Miss Stoper has given me your address. The job has not yet been taken. Would you like it? I shall give you £120 a year and the work is not difficult. Sometimes my wife will ask you to wear a blue dress which belonged to my daughter Alice. She lived in America now. She will also ask you to sit near the window sometimes. That isn't difficult, is it? But you must cut your hair short. I know you would like to keep it and that is why I am paying you so much. Please accept the job. I shall meet you at Winchester station. Write and tell me the time of your train.
       Yours faithfully, Jephro Rucastle
    (   ウィンチェスター郊外、ブナの木屋敷にて
       あなたの忠実なる ジェフロ・ルーカースル)

'That is the letter,Mr Holmes.I would like to accept the job,but before I do,I would like your advice.

'Well, Miss Hunter, you want the job, so you must decide. I will say this. I would not advise my sister to take the job. But you are not my sister. What do you think about Mr and Mrs Rucastle?'

'Well,' said Miss Hunter, 'Mr Rucastle seemed a kind person. His wife must be ill.'

'I think you are right,' said Holmes. 'It is not a job for a young lady.'

'But they will pay me very well,Mr Holmes.'

'Yes, too well. Why should they pay you £120 a year? They could find someone for £40 a year. They must have a good reason.'

'I would still like the job,' said Miss Hunter.

'Then take it,' said Holmes. 'If you are ever indanger...'

'Danger! Will it be dangerous?'

'I don't know,' said Holmes. 'But I will come at any time. Just send me a telegram if you need my help.'

'Thank you, Mr Holmes. I feel much happier now. I shall write to Mr Rucastle immediately and I shall cut my hair tonight.'She said good bye to us and left.

'What a nice young lady,' I said.

'Yes,' said Holmes, 'and we shall be seeing her again very soon.'

   ■ 3 ■

Two weeks later,Holmes showed me a telegram which had just arrived from Winchester.

It said:

Please come to the Swan Hotel in Winchester at noon tomorrow.It is very important.
Violet Hunter

'Will you come with me?,' asked Holmes.

'Of course,' I said.

'There is a train at half past nine,' said Holmes.

'It arrives at Winchester at half past eleven.’

The next day we arrived in Winchester and went to the Swan Hotel.Miss Hunter was waiting for us there.She had ordered a meal for us,so we all sat down to eat.

'I am so glad to see you,' she said. 'You are both very kind. I don't know what to do. I need your advice.'

'What has happened?' asked Holmes.

'I must be quick,' she said. 'I must get back before three o'clock. They have not done anything to me. They are not cruel. It's nothing like that. But I am quite afraid. When I arrived, Mr Rucastle met me. We drove to his house, the Copper Beeches. It's a big square house. In front of the house there is a field which goes as far as the Southampton road. The road is eighty metres from the house. There are some copper beech trees in front of the house and they gave the house its name.

'Mr Rucastle was very nice to me and I met his wife and child. Mrs Rucastle is not ill, so we were wrong about that. She is a very quiet woman. She has been married for seven years and is Mr Rucastle’s second wife. He has a daughter from his first marriage. She is twenty and lived in America. Mr Rucastle told me that she went to America because she did not like his second wife. He has a daughter from his first married. She is twenty and lives in America. Mr Rucastle told me that she went to America because she did not like his second wife. Mr Rucastle is kind to his wife, but something is wrong. Mrs Rucastle is a sad woman and often cries.'

'Two other people live at the house and work for the Rucastles. They are Mr and Mrs Toller. They are not very nice to me and I don’t like them. During the first two days nothing unusual happened. On the third day Mrs Rucastle came down for breakfast and said something to her husband. He came to me.

'"Miss Hunter." He said. "My wife wants you to wear a blue dress. There is one on the bed in your room. Will you go and put it on?"

'I found alight blue dress on my bed. The material was good but it was not new. Someone had worn it. It fitted me very well so I went down stairs. Mr and Mrs Rucastle were very pleased. We were in a room with a large window at the front of the house. There was a chair near the window and Mrs Rucastle asked me to sit in it. Then Mr Rucastle told me funny stories which made me laugh. But Mrs Rucastle did not laugh. She still looked sad. Mr Rucastle told me funny stories for about an hour. Then suddenly he stpped and told me to change my dress.

'Two days later the same thing happened.T wore the blue dress, sat near the window and Mr Rucastle told me funny stories. They made me laugh even more. Then he gave me a book and told me to read it to him. I read to him for ten minutes but suddenly he ordered me to stop.T was very surprised as I was in the middle of a sentence.

'I always had to sit with my back to the window. Was something happening outside? I had an idea and the next day I hid a small mirror in my handkerchief. Mr Rucastle was telling his funny stories and I was laughing. I put my handkerchief to my eyes and looked in the mirror. A man was standing on the road, looking at the house. He was a smallman with a beard and was wearing a grey suit. Then Mrs Rucastle noticed the mirror.

'"Jephro," she said to her husband, "there is a man on the road, staring at Miss Hunter."

'"Is he one of your friends. Miss Hunter?" said Mr Rucastle.

'"No," I said. "I know no one here."

'"Then signal to him to go away."

'I did that. Then Mrs Rucastle told me to leave the room. That was a week ago. Since then I have not worn the blue dress. I have not sat in the window and I have not seen the man on the road.'

   ■ 4 ■

'Have you noticed anything else?' asked Holmes.

'Well,' continued Miss Hunter, 'there is a small building near the house. Mr Rucastle showed it to me. It has a small window.

'"Look in there," said Mr Rucastle.

'I looked inside and saw a very big black dog.

'"Don't be afraid," said Mr Rucastle. "It's only my dog, Carlo. He's very wild and only Mr Toller can do anything with him. Toller puts the dog in the garden every night. No one can come near the house because Carlo would kill them. Don’t ever leave the house at night, Miss Hunter. The dog would kill you too.

'Then I discovered something else. One evening I was in my room, putting away my clothes. I was looking for places for them. The room had been Miss Rucastle's and I found some clothes. I think they were hers. Under the clothes I found a lot of hair. I thought it was mine because it was the same colour. I had cut off my hair and kept it. I looked in my bag and my hair was still there. I placed my hair next to the other hair and found that they were the same colour.

'Then there is the top floor of the house. The rooms are not used. The Tolleres live on the floor below and the door to the top floor is always shut. One day Mr Rucastle came out of this door, looking very angry. I went into the garden and looked at the windows on the top floor. One of them had boards against it. Mr Rucastle came into the garden.

'"What are you doing?" he asked.

'"I have just noticed that window," I said. "It has boards against it."

'"Yes," said Mr Rucastle. "I take photographs and work on them in that room."

'Tthink he was lying, Mr Holmes. I wanted to see the room and yesterday that chance came. Toller and his wife had gone out with the boy. They had forgotten to shut the door to the top for. I went up the stairs. All the rooms were open except one. I tried to open the door but it would not open. Then I heard a noise in the room. Someone was in there. I was afraid and I rushed down the stairs. Mr Rucastle was waiting at the bottom. He was angry.

'"What are you doing?" he said.

'"I was looking round the house," I said. "It was so lonely up there that I was afraid."

'"Why do you think this door is always shut?" he said.

'"I don't know."

'"To keep people out of there."

'"If I had known..."

'"Well you know now. Don't ever go in there again," he shouted. "If you do, I'll throw you to the dog!"

'I ran to my room,' continued Miss Hunter. 'I was so afraid. I thought of you, Mr Holmes. I needed your help. I was afraid of the house, of Mr Rucastle and of the Tollers. I was free to return to London, but something was wrong in that house. What is the secret of the upstairs room? The nearest village is two kilometers from the house. I went there and sent you a telegram. This morning I came here, but I must go back before three o'clock because the Rucastles are going to visit some friends. They will be there all evening and I have to take care of the boy. What shall I do, Mr Holmes?'

   ■ 5 ■

Holmes stood up and walked about the room. 'Where will Mr Toller be this evening?' he asked. 'He will be going to the village. He returns at about eight o'clock.'

'Good. The Rucastles will also be out of the house. That only leaves Mrs Toller. Is there a cellar in the huse?'

'Yes,' said Miss Hunter.

'You have been very brave, Miss Hunter. Could you do one more thing?'

'I'll try. What is it?'

'Watson and I shall come to the Copper Beeches at seven o'clock. Only Mrs Toller Will be there. Ask her to get something from the cellar and then shut her in.'

'I'll do it.'

'Very good, Miss Hunter. We shall soon know the secret of the upstairs room. I know one thing. They brought you here to take some one's place and that person is in the upstairs room.'

'Who is it, Mr Holmes?'

'I think it is Mr Rucastle's daughter Alice. He says that she is in America but I don't think so. He chose you because you are like her. That hair you found is Alice’s and it is the same colour as your hair. The man on the road could be Alice's friend and perhaps he wants to marry her. They made you wear Alice's dress and sit in the window while Mr Rucastle told you funny stories. You were always laughing and Alice's friend could see this. Then they made you send him away. He would think that Alice no longer liked him. He can't speak to her because the dog guards the house at night.'

'I think that you are right, Mr Holmes,' cried Miss Hunter. 'We must help the poor girl.'

   ■ 6 ■

That evening we reached the Copper Beeches at seven o'clock. Miss Hunter was waiting for us.

'Have you done it?' asked Holmes.

'Yes,' answered Miss Hunter. 'Mrs Toller is in the cellar and she can't open the door. We must hurry because Mr Toller may come back early.'

We went upstairs.

'This is the room,' said Miss Hunter. The door was shut.

'I hope that we are not too late,' said Holmes. 'I can't hear anyone in there. Help me, Watson.'

Together we pushed against the door and soon it was open. There was no one in the room, but there was a window in the roof, which was open.

'Her father has taken her away,' said Holmes.

'But how?' said Miss Hunter.

Holmes climbed on a table and looked through the window. 'There is a ladder against the roof,' he said.

'That's strange,' said Miss Hunter. 'The ladder was not there when Mr Rucastle left.'

'Listen!' said Holmes. 'Someone is coming up the stairs. That may be Rucastle. You have your gun, Watson. Get ready. He may be dangerous.'

Mr Rucastle appeared at the door. He had a heavy stick in his hand. Sherlock Holmes sprang forward.

'Where is your daughter?' he said.

'I should ask you that question,' shouted Mr Rucastle. 'I have caught you. You'll be sorry!' He turned and ran down the stairs.
(「こっちが聞きたい。」と、ルーカースルさんは叫んだ。「 もう逃がさないぞ。ひどいめにあわしてやるからな!」彼は身をひるがえすと階段を駆け下りていった。)

'He's gone for the dog!' cried Miss Hunter.

'We had better shut the front door,' said Holmes.

We ran down the stairs. Then we heard the dog and there was a terrible cry. An old man came through a side door. It was Mr Toller.

'My God!' he cried. 'Someone has let the dog out. I haven't fed it for two days. Quick, or it will be too late. '

Holmes and I rushed out of the house and saw the big black dog. Mr Rucastle was on the ground and the dog was standing over him. It was tearing at his neck. I ran to the dog and shot it in the head. We carried Mr Rucastle in to the house. He was very badly hurt.

A tall woman came into the room.

'Mrs Toller!' cried Miss Hunter.

'Mr Rucastle let me out,' said Mrs Toller. 'Ah, Miss, I knew about Miss Rucastle, Why didn't you ask me?'

'Ha!' said Holmes. 'Mrs Toller knows more about this than we do.'

'Yes, sir,' she said.

'Then tell us what you know,' said Holmes.

'Will the police becoming?' said Mrs Toller.

'That is possible,' said Holmes.

   ■ 7 ■

'I helped Miss Alice,' she said. 'Tell the police that. She was never happy here. Then she met Mr Fowler and wanted to marry him. She had some money which her mother had left her. She asked for her money but Mr Rucastle would not give it to her. He was against her marrlage because he wanted to keep her money. So he shut her in her room. This made her very ill and they had to cut her hair. When she got better, she still wanted to marry Mr Fowler.'

'So Mr Rucastle put her in that upstairs room,' said Holmes. 'He brought Miss Hunter from London and made her send Mr Fowler away.'

'That's right, sir,' said Mrs Toller.

'But Mr Fowler did not go away because he loved Miss Rucastle. He spoke to you when you were in the village. He gave you money and you helped him.'

'Mr Fowler was a very nice man,' said Mrs Toller.

'You told him that your husband would be in the village to night and that the Rucastles would be out.'

'That's right, sir. I also put a ladder near the house.'

'Thank you Mrs Toller. Ah, here's Mrs Rucastle. She has brought a doctor so we can leave now, Watson. We had better take Miss Hunter to Winchester. She can't stay here now.'

The mystery of the house with the copper beech trees was solved. I was able to save Mr Rucastle’s life, but he was never completely well again. His daughter married Mr Fowler and is living happily with him in Australia. Holmes had liked Violet Hunter very much, and I hoped his interest in her would continue. But she was no longer at the centre of a mystery, and he soon forgot her. She is now the well-loved teacher of a school in London.

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